Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tinfoil: It's not just for hats anymore!

I can't remember which Pinterest link I saw that clued me into this gem of a tip. But I do fully credit Pinterest!
I saw a pin regarding glittery nail polish easily, tried it and discovered that it works with EVERY polish!

Here goes: (follow the pictures left-to-right, top to bottom)
You're going to need tinfoil, cotton balls or pads and nail polish remover. I use Acetone because it's cheap.
Pull a decent length of tinfoil, enough to make a long rectangle when folded in half length ways. Then fold end over end, creating a smaller rectangle. Tear the rectangles off, then tear them again, repeat until you've got a decent stack of tinfoil rectangles.

Soak the cotton ball in acetone, place it on your nail. Take a foil piece, start wrapping your nail, making sure you wrap as tight as you can. Sealing the foil around your finger as much as you can. I wrap once, then fold the end up, then wrap the rest around my finger. Continuing that process until your whole hand is silver tipped is awkward. But I find the appearance to be funnnnnnny, reminiscent of Family Holiday dinners where my cousins would put olives on their fingertips!

I wait 1-2 minutes, then gently pull off the tinfoil fingertip, pushing/pulling a little to make sure all the polish attaches. And Presto! No more polish! No back and forth! You're done!
So there you have it! An easy way to quickly change your polish!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WEN, it's time for Fall

I'm elated! My enormous 32oz Ginger Pumpkin WEN showed up yesterday!
Purchased from, this warm and dreamy scented beauty debuted last year at the launch of the Seasonal Scents.
I love this hair product in the first place, but wrap it in spicy ginger and warm pumpkin and I'LL PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE WEN!

The scrumptious Fall scent just came back, but it's going to be limited release, surely. If you're a fan of WEN, then give the regular size bottle a try. QVC pricing for the 16oz bottle is $29 plus S&H and applicable tax.
Since I've already established my adoration, I jumped at the chance to get the BIG size, 32oz Ginger Pumpkin WEN for around $60 plus S&H and taxes. However when I went back to check the pricing, I couldn't find the big size! It may have sold out, I'm not surprised one bit.
I'm a big fan of Fall, and the Seasonal WEN is only adding to my fandom. :)